

A ribbon indicating that a person is transgender. I'm trans.
A ribbon indicating that a person is trans masculine-aligned neutral. Specifically, I'm transneumasc.
A ribbon indicating that a person who is a trans man. But to make things simpiler, you can call me a transman.
A ribbon indicating that a person is trans masculine. Or transmasculine.
A ribbon indicating that a person is trans neutral. Or even transneutral. I fit under all those labels in all technicalities. You can also just call me nonbinary.
A ribbon indicating that a person uses xenogender identities. It's easiest for me to explain my neutrality through xenogenders, but I'm not going to list them here.


A ribbon indicating that a person uses It/Its pronouns. The Archivist prefers It/its.
A ribbon indicating that a person uses He/They pronouns. Delta uses He/They. The Archivist accepts He/They as well.
A ribbon indicating that a person uses We/Us pronouns. Delta uses plural pronouns to address ourselves. The Archivist uses I/Me to address themselves.


A ribbon indicating that a person is an Aromantic Asexual. I'm an AroAce.
A ribbon indicating that a person is an Oriented Aromantic Asexual. Specifically, I'm an oriented AroAce.
A ribbon indicating that a person is Uranic. I'm Uranic oriented. But you can just call me a gay if that's simpiler.


A ribbon indicating that a person is alterhuman. I'm under the general Alterhuman umbrella.
A ribbon indicating that a person is an otherkin. Some of my kintypes are Otherkin.
A ribbon indicating that a person has a therian. Some of my kintypes are Theriotypes.
A ribbon indicating that a person experiences species dysphoria. I struggle with Species/Atypical Dysphoria.


A ribbon indicating that a person is a Dark Academic. I'm a dark academic.
A ribbon indicating that a person is Forestcore. I'm forestpunk.
A ribbon indicating that a person is Spacecore. I love astronomy. It's a big part of my aesthetic.
A ribbon indicating that a person incorporates the season of Autumn into their aesthetic. Autumn themes contribute a good part to my aesthetic.


A ribbon indicating that a person Programs as a hobby. I code (obviously).
A ribbon indicating that a person Gardens as a hobby. I'm quite proud of my herbal garden!
A ribbon indicating that a person is a Traditional Artist. I work with traditional art.
A ribbon indicating that a person is a Digital Artist. I work with digital art.
A ribbon indicating that a person is a Writer. I was a creative writing major in high school. I still enjoy writing time to time.
A ribbon indicating that a person is a Wood Carver. I'm a wood carver.
A ribbon indicating that a person is a Violinist. I play the violin! (Need a new one though.)
A ribbon indicating that a person is a Chef. I bake! And love cooking.
A ribbon indicating that a person is a Violinist. I'm an avid gamer.
A ribbon indicating that a person is an alchemist. I dabble in alchemy.


A ribbon indicating that a person is an agnostic theist. I believe deities exist. However, I do not worship them.
A ribbon indicating that a person is a pagan. Yes, you can be a pagan and agnostic. Working with a pantheon doesn't mean you worship them.
A ribbon indicating that a person follows a ficto-religion. As a PCPagan, I use the ficto-religion label as well.

PCPs & Pantheon

A ribbon indicating the Magnus Archive Fandom. I work with the Fears and other Dreadful Ones.
A ribbon indicating a SCP scientist.. I incorporate the SCP foundation into my archiving and other practice.
A ribbon indicating the Hydro Element from Genshin Impact. I work with the Hydro Dragon Sovreign (Neuvillette).
A ribbon indicating a member of the Adventure's Guild. I incorporate Adventure Guild routine into parts of my practice.
A ribbon indicating a Akademiya student. I was brutally assigned student by Nahida. I incoporate some Akademiya approaches to parts of my practice.
A ribbon indicating a Slytherin. I don't like Harry Potter or support JKR. However, I do modify spells to be used in my practice.

Conditions & Disabilities

A ribbon indicating that a person is disabled. I'm disabled. Not all my disabilities are listed here at the moment.
A ribbon indicating that a person has a hidden disability. I have hidden disabilities.
A ribbon indicating that a person has Dissociative Identity Disorder. I have DID.
A ribbon indicating that a person has Generalized Anxiety Disorder. I struggle with Anxiety.
A ribbon indicating that a person has an Eating Disorder. I struggle with an Eating Disorder.
A ribbon indicating that a person has an Insomnia. I struggle with Insomnia.
A ribbon indicating that a person has Autism. I'm Autistic.
A ribbon indicating that a person has Amnesia. I struggle with Amnesia.
A ribbon indicating that a person has Arthritis. I struggle with Arthritis.
A ribbon indicating that a person has Chronic Fatigue. I struggle with Chronic Fatigue.
A ribbon indicating that a person has Chronic Migraines. I struggle with Chronic Migraines.
A ribbon indicating that a person has Chronic Pain. I struggle with Chronic Pain.
A ribbon indicating that a person has Visual Snow Syndrome. I have Visual Snow Syndrome.
A ribbon indicating that a person has Pica. I have Pica (the chewing stim needs doesn't help).
A ribbon indicating that a person is Nearsighted. I'm nearsighted (I also have astigmatism).